Branding Light blue

Meaghan's Marketing Corner: October 2021

According to HubSpot, Branding is “the process of researching, developing, and applying a distinctive feature or set of features to your organization so that consumers can begin to associate your brand with your products or services.”

It’s important to brand your company or product so that it has an identity (or personality) and is easily identifiable.

Simple ways to start “branding” your company:

  • Establish your mission statement – read up on others’ mission statements (across all industries), decide what is important to you and your brand.
  • Define your values, qualities, and benefits – make sure these align with your mission.
  • Find your brand voice/personality – characterize a brand voice that resonates with your audience.
    • Tone (authoritative, enthusiastic, witty, humorous, playful, empathetic, expert, etc.)
    • Create a catchy tagline
  • Visuals – experiment with colors, logos, and images until you have the right fit. If you are having difficulty with a vision, there are professionals that can assist. You could also brainstorm with family and friends to see if they have any ideas. They typically know you best!

For a complete guide to branding your company, visit HubSpot’s Blog - The Ultimate Guide to Branding in 2021