Share Your Brand Story Through Customer Testimonials

One of the most effective ways you can market your business is through your existing customers. In today’s digital age, there are a few opportunities for builders to get customers to spread the word about their businesses.

Customer testimonials can help businesses grow their audience. Word-of-mouth referrals have been a form of marketing since products and services have been sold.

Today, there are a few kinds of testimonials that builders can get from their customers. These reviews are a great way to appeal to an online audience, when you leverage them effectively.

  1. Interviews: Most of us carry smartphones today (and even do business with them). The next time you talk with your customer, ask if you can record a video or audio interview with them to talk about their experience.

  2. Quote: Maybe your customer doesn’t want video footage of themselves on the internet … see if they’ll give you a quote that you can use later on your website or social media platforms.

  3. Social Media Posts: Speaking of social media, this is another great way to get the word out about your services and the projects you’ve completed. Some customers might love being featured on your Facebook or Instagram page (always ask first!).

  4. Before/After Blogs: Some homeowners might already snap photos before, during, and after building projects. You might feature their project on your company blog and showcase the project. It’s another great way to collaborate with clients and stay connected.

If you’re looking for more ideas on growing your audience with customer testimonials, HubSpot has a few other examples to help out.